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Brand AMbassador

A brand ambassador is a person who embodies and actively lives the values, goals and culture of a company internally or externally. Unlike external influencers, brand ambassadors are usually employees of a company. They are often involved early on in internal branding processes in order to help develop or assess internal brand strategies. As spokespeople and ambassadors for brands, they bring them closer to their colleagues and give brand strategies a face.

Advantages and tasks of brand ambassadors:

  • Company employees feel closer to brands and are more likely to act in their interests if brand ambassadors make the brand tangible and tangible for them. Typical tasks of a brand ambassador:
    • Exemplify brand values: Actively communicate what the brand is all about through behavior and communication.
    • Collect feedback: Listening to what employees think about the brand and passing on these insights.
    • Passing on culture: They promote exchange between teams so that everyone can identify with the brand.


Frank Wache
Frank Wache
Partner, Brand Strategist

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