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Inclusive language

Inclusive language is a form of communication that aims to consider and include all people regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical ability or other characteristics. It involves the use of expressions that do not exclude or discriminate against anyone and the avoidance of terms or phrases that could reinforce stereotypes or reproduce prejudices.

An important aspect of inclusive language is the use of gender-inclusive language that includes all genders. This can be achieved through the use of gender asterisks (*), underscores (_), slashes (/) or other means to address both male and female forms or persons beyond the gender binary. Furthermore, inclusive language includes the use of gender-neutral or gender-variant terms to recognize and respect people with different gender identities.

Inclusive language also extends to the use of terms that take into account ethnic diversity, diversity in sexual orientation, physical ability and other identity characteristics. This means choosing terms that represent people in all their diversity and do not evoke prejudice or stereotypes.

The use of inclusive language helps to create an atmosphere of respect, recognition and equality in which all people can feel equally heard and valued. It promotes social integration, cohesion and understanding between different groups and contributes to a fairer and more inclusive society.


Frank Wache
Frank Wache
Partner, Brand Strategist

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