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Employer branding agency

Woman with a broad smile and a cheerful expression on her face

Attract top applicants with better digital employer branding.

The digital candidate journey in the application process is like a first date with a future employer. Top candidates can sense exactly whether it feels contemporary and digital. If it doesn't, they will drop out and not come back. With us, employer brands reach and attract their top applicants through a better digital candidate journey.


  • Strategy & Design

    Define the strengths of your employer brand and design it as a coherent overall presence across all stages of the candidate journey.

    Where do I stand today as an employer brand? Where do I want to go strategically? In comparison with the competition, we will find the most effective strategy for your strong employer brand.


    1. Evaluation
      Analysis and evaluation of the current situation. For example, through competitive analysis (benchmarking) and employee surveys.
    2. Positioning
      Definition of your employer value proposition and positioning of your employer brand in the market.
    3. Target group definition
      Research and creation of personas
    4. Strategy development
      Conception based on defined goals of basic idea, measures, channels, content planning, etc.
    5. Implementation, roll-out, experience
      Conception and design of campaigns, career site, social media content, key visuals, templates, internal communication, etc.
    6. Monitoring and adjustment
      Key figures, evaluation & reporting, adjustment of measures
    Frank Wache

    »If you are looking for the best talent to shape the future of your company, you need to present yourself as a fresh employee brand.«
    Frank Wache, Partner & Brand Strategist

  • Career page

    Bring the talented people to you and turn them into applicants.

    Two people bend over a laptop on which you can see a career page

    A career site has to do so many things right: Appeal to talent in a personable and personal way. Be informative. Inspire enthusiasm for the job and the brand's vision. And make it as easy as possible to get started. The careers page, which is increasingly accessed via mobile, remains the heart of an outstanding digital candidate journey.


    • Analysis of requirements
      Clarification of the task, expectations, requirements, project team, timing and budget framework
    • UX concept
      Content inventory, user journeys, click paths, sitemap, prototyping
    • Look & Feel
      Design style, tonality, user experience, alignment with corporate branding
    • Screendesign
      Layout, design of individual elements (modules, pages, templates, buttons, etc.)
    • Programming
      Frontend, backend, quality assurance, deployment
    • CMS Workshop
      Operation of the content management system (CMS)
    Annika Gruca

    »Address the right target group and turn them into fans of your employer brand.«
    Annika Gruca, Head of Digital & Employer Brand Strategist

  • Digital Candidate Journey

    Design your applicants' digital journey - from initial interest to onboarding - as a consistent experience and as a reflection of your employer brand.

    It's the journey!

    As an employer brand, what experience do I want to create along my journey? How should the individual touchpoints interact to achieve this? In alignment with your strategy and the needs of applicants, we challenge your current digital candidate journey and optimize it.

    • How do I attract top applicants to my career page?
    • How do I address my target group digitally?
    • How do I make recruiting more transparent and perform better?

    Get the whitepaper

    In this white paper, we have listed our experiences from the last few years in the form of 10 tips. We describe how you can define benchmarks, narrow down goals and target groups, formulate your employer value proposition, involve employees and much more. The paper is the result of collaboration between experts from the disciplines of brand strategy, HR, data analytics, tech and UX design. We hope you enjoy reading it!

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    We will send you the whitepaper via email.

    Annika Gruca

    »With a good digital candidate journey, you can attract top applicants to your career page.«
    Annika Gruca, Head of Digital & Employer Brand Strategist

  • Onboarding with »Handshake«

    Shine with a personalized digital tool before and after the interview.

    Hands typing on a laptop displaying a screen with text

    With our »Handshake« software solution, you have an advantage over other employer brands. The customizable tool simplifies and improves the entire job interview process. This takes the pressure off HR and ensures that your employer brand has the right image even before you get to know them. This is because applicants feel personally addressed and know exactly what to expect and how to prepare.

    4 steps to your own employer branding tool »Handshake«

    Frank Wache

    »Facilitation and image factor in a tool that makes a difference in the journey.«
    Frank Wache, Partner & Brand Strategist

  • Job Ads & Campaigns (+ AI)

    Reach the best and get them excited about your career offers.

    Reach your target group - with converting job ads and social media campaigns. You can maximize your reach and strengthen your employer brand through targeted targeting and creative content.


    • Research
      Research and assessment of target group, media use, channels, needs, competitors
    • Campaign
      Strategy, target groups, messages, tonality, channels
    • Landingpage
      Target group-specific conception, design and programming, A/B test, CRM connection
    • Performance + Tracking
      Set-up of a performance framework to measure and optimize the measures
    • Design + Content creation
      Design of key visuals, e.g. with custom social media generator, image AI tools, job ads, photos, texts, job advertisements, clips, etc.
    • Campaign management
      Planning, implementation and monitoring of the campaign
    • Reporting & Learnings
      Creating detailed reports and deriving learnings

    »With our web-based social media generator, you can easily create animated branded content.«
    Björn Lux, Partner & Creative Director

  • Internal communication & participation

    Strengthen your employer brand within your organization and turn your team into a multiplier.

    A man wearing a white T-shirt and red bandana smiles while holding a bouquet of yellow flowers against a plain white background.

    Tell your brand as an exciting story within your organization and present the stories of your employees. Celebrate your successes, keep your team up to date and make them an active part of the candidate journey.


    1. Employee survey
      Conception and implementation of surveys
    2. Internal campaign
      Concept and design of internal employer branding campaigns
    3. Presentations
      Idea, design, content
    4. Merch
      Design of individual, creative employer branding merchandise
    5. Interior design
      Idea, design, realization
    Frank Wache

    »Good employer brands look after their teams and involve them in everything in a communicative way.«
    Frank Wache, Partner & Brand Strategist


People are now applying to us for whom we would have had to wait a very long time in the past.

Schiffl Logo
Klaus Schiffl, Inhaber

In addition to our projects, our culture is also much better reflected in the new brand identity. This strengthens our identity internally and also attracts new talent much better.

abj Logo
Maximilian Bülk, Geschäftsführer bei abj Architekt:innen

We have received significantly more and better applicants since the launch.

enomyc Logo
Julia Hammer, Mitglied der Geschäftsführung der Unternehmensberatung enomyc


Annika Gruca

Talk to Annika

»As an employer brand strategist, I am happy to discuss your digital employer brand with you and discover development potential along your candidate journey.«

+49 (0) 40 432 805 - 23


  • Digital employer branding uses digital channels such as social media, career websites and online evaluation platforms to make a company's employer brand more performant and attractive. The aim is to address and attract potential applicants, inform them about the corporate culture and career opportunities and retain them as employees in the long term. Digital employer branding is flanked by targeted content marketing, campaigns and effective email marketing.

  • The duration of an employer branding process can vary greatly and depends on various factors, such as the size of the company, the current state of the employer brand, the company's goals and the available resources, and can usually take several months to a year. It typically includes the analysis of the existing brand perception, the development of a strategy, the implementation of measures (such as the use of digital channels, content marketing, employer branding campaigns) and the ongoing monitoring and adjustment of activities in order to build a strong employer brand in the long term.

  • In an increasingly digital world, employer brands benefit from digitally optimized employer branding in several ways: They improve the quality of their applicants. They are perceived as a modern brand. Their activities become transparent, more targeted and perform better. Differentiation from other employer brands increases. HR work is made easier.

  • "Handshake" is a digital tool developed by JUNO specifically for HR work. In the form of an easily editable interface, it enables applicants to be accompanied personally, digitally and comprehensively around the job interview and afterwards. With its clear structure and intuitive operation, it makes the job of HR employees easier and increases the attractiveness of an employer brand.